Paper accepted at Eurohaptics ’20

In the past few months I have been branching out a bit and have been pondering new ways of applying haptic technology. Inspired by the work we do at Digital Society School on green cities (see, for example, urban nature), I started thinking about the application of haptic technology to plants. Now bear with me, plants actually have rather sophisticated ways of detecting mechanical stimuli (i.e., ‘touch’). For one example, think of the Venus Flytrap’s ability to detect and trap prey. What is more, touch affects how plants grow thus we could potentially use haptic technology to modulate plant growth, say, in indoor farming applications.

To stimulate the haptics community to consider plants as an application area for haptic technology, I dove into literature in the biological sciences and wrote a brief review paper that outlines how plants respond to touch and how we could capitalize on this ability. The paper was recently accepted to be published in the proceedings of Eurohaptics ’20 which, hopefully, will be organized in Leiden (NL) later this year.

You can download the preprint of the paper here.

Musings on the Workshop on Intimate Technology at PHTR’18


One of the things I have been thinking about more and more as 2018 progresses is the importance of making an effort to understand the perspective of others. Not just in general, but specifically where human-technology interactions are concerned. I wrote a guest blog post about related considerations here, but I have also engaged with *gulp* the philosophy department at our university. In fact, we co-organized a workshop on intimate technology at the Philosophy of Human Technology Relations (PHTR) conference.

Continue reading “Musings on the Workshop on Intimate Technology at PHTR’18”

Guest blog at IN-TOUCH UCL

Last April I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to co-organize Reshaping Touch Communication, a workshop at CHI’18 in Montréal. Among the organizers was the team of the IN-TOUCH project headed by Carey Jewitt of the UCL Knowledge Lab. In the IN-TOUCH project Carey and her team investigate how touch technology can reshape touch practices in society. If you are interested in haptics and touch at all do keep an eye out for more from this fantastic project!

It was an absolute pleasure to work with Carey and all the other organizers of the CHI’18 workshop. Carey asked me to share my perspective on the workshop in a blog post for the IN-TOUCH website. You can read it here.

Papers at BHCI’18


In a few weeks time we’ll be presenting some very nice student work at the British HCI conference in Belfast, UK. Our full paper, Virtual Nature Environments Based on Fractal Geometry for Optimizing Restorative Effects, describes work conducted by Marc van Almkerk on the use of fractals for creating restorative virtual nature environments. In the Work in Progress paper, inCrease: an Approach for Particle Enhanced Soft Composite 3D-Printed Tactile Displays, we outline explorative work by Marc van Almkerk, Casper Kessels and others, on the use of 3D printing techniques for creating tactile textures.

Best paper award at ACE’16


Our paper “A Moving Feast: Effects of Color, Shape and Animation on Taste Associations and Taste Perceptions” has won a best paper award at the ACE’16 conference! In the paper we detail a number of studies in which we investigate how animated projections on top of, and around food can alter a person’s initial impression and actual taste of food.

Papers at EuroHaptics’16

Two papers that I (co-) authored have been accepted as technical papers at EuroHaptics’16! Both papers deal with a related line of research I have been working on, namely affective (stroking) touch sensations and pleasantness responses to such sensations. In one paper we investigated whether pleasantness responses from vibrotactile stroking sensations would be judged in a way comparable to real touch. In the other paper we looked at how visual information about the object that is touching, influences pleasantness perceptions.

Tomorrow: TEDx Talk!

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Big day tomorrow! I’ll be giving a TEDx talk at the TEDxSaxionUniversity Pursuit of Happiness conference. The conference is completely sold out meaning a big, really big audience. I’m looking forward to it! Talks will be available later online, so if you missed the conference be sure to check back here later for a video of my talk.

ThingsCon Amsterdam workshop


December 4th will be the second ThingsCon organized in Amsterdam. ThingsCon is a one-day conference about the future of hardware, and the Internet of Things.

For this edition in Amsterdam I was invited to organize a workshop on haptic interactions. I’m still working on the exact program, but the workshop will focus on the affective (and social) aspects of haptic technology. Co-starring in this workshop will be Iskander Smit from and fellow HMI PhD Christian Willemse.

More info will follow soon, but in the mean time you can register for the conference or try your luck at getting a free ticket!