
  • ‘You don’t know what you got ’till it’s gone’, as the lyrics to a popular song would have it. Indeed, this seems to be the case for touch in these times of social isolation, distancing, and staying at home. News media, now more than ever, cover stories about the lack of touch in elderly homes,…

  •   In a few weeks time we’ll be presenting some very nice student work at the British HCI conference in Belfast, UK. Our full paper, Virtual Nature Environments Based on Fractal Geometry for Optimizing Restorative Effects, describes work conducted by Marc van Almkerk on the use of fractals for creating restorative virtual nature environments. In the Work…

  • Two papers that I (co-) authored have been accepted as technical papers at EuroHaptics’16! Both papers deal with a related line of research I have been working on, namely affective (stroking) touch sensations and pleasantness responses to such sensations. In one paper we investigated whether pleasantness responses from vibrotactile stroking sensations would be judged in…

  • Our paper “With Us or Against Us: Simulated Social Touch by Virtual Agents in a Cooperative or Competitive Setting” has been accepted as a short paper at IVA 2014, in Boston, USA, as a short paper. In the paper we present an extension of the experiment that was accepted as a paper at EuroHaptics 2014, where…

  • The proceedings of the 2013 eNTERFACE workshop on multimodal interaction is now available on Springerlink! Our chapter “Touching Virtual Agents: Embodiment and Mind” can be found here.

  • It has been a while since I posted anything here (the publications page is up-to-date however). But this week I received the wonderful news that our paper “Simulated Social Touch in a Collaborative Game” was accepted as a full paper at EuroHaptics 2014 in Versaille, France. In the paper we investigate the role of simulated social…

  • The paper entitled ” The Art of Tug of War: Investigating the Influence of Remote Touch on Social Presence in a Distributed Rope Pulling Game” was accepted at ACE’13 (Advances in Computer Entertainment). The setup and experiment were created by a group of second year (!) Creative Technology students. I was one of the supervisors of…

  • Some more papers have been accepted, this time all at a single conference (ACII’13). Check the publications page for more details. Also, our paper on the design of the TaSST that was presented at World Haptics ’13 is now available on IEEE explore!

  • Our paper entitled “Towards Tactile Expressions of Emotion Through Mediated Touch” has been accepted as a CHI’13 work-in-progress paper. The paper describes some early work on using the TaSST as a method for emotional communication. The abstract of the paper can be found below: In this paper we investigate the expression of emotions through mediated touch.…

  • The new year started out great for me with the message that our paper entitled “The TaSST – Tactile Sleeve for Social Touch” has been accepted as a technical paper at the World Haptics Conference 2013 in South Korea! The paper describes the early stages of development of the TaSST, a full analysis of the…