
  • For the past couple of months I have been working on a short-term project together with people from the behavioral science and design departments of our university, as well as with KAIST in South Korea. In the project, we design and evaluate an ambient display that shows digitalized versions of natural landscapes. The idea is…

  • Last week we had a big COMMIT/ projectmeeting at Trouw in Amsterdam. About 60 demos showcased all of the diverse work being done in the COMMIT/ project. We also demoed our latest TaSST prototype. To accompany the demo we did an interview explaining the ideas behind TaSST (starting at 2:59). The video also features project…

  • I’ve been in Lisbon for the past two weeks working on our Touching Virtual Agents project as part of the eNTERFACE’13 workshop. Despite having been ill for a few days we’ve made some good progress! Here’s a video of our first tech demo showing how a virtual agent can touch a user through an augmented…

  • This thursday (6th of June) we will be giving a demo of the TaSST at the Smart Textile Salon in Ghent. The demo will feature the TaSST new capacitive input layer, as well as a new explorative design that was done in collaboration with Klea Flinspach, a student at the Amsterdam Fashion Institute.

  • For the past few months I’ve been working closely with Aduén Darriba Frederiks of the Hoge School van Amsterdam (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences), on the design of the TaSST: Tactile Sleeve for Social Touch. The basic idea of the TaSST is that when two persons both wear a sleeve, a touch to the sleeve of…

  • Yesterday was the first official Thunder Tuesday (previously Thunder Thursday) at the HMI group. The general idea is that students, PhD’s and staff members work together on a fun project to be used as a demo for the HMI group.